Overcrowded university? No place for you?

Study what employers need - at the Online Business School

Realize successfully your dream with a high quality degree

You get your place to study

At the Online Business School you can choose from 13 different undergraduate courses in Level 4 & 5 (University 1st and 2nd year).

You can start immediately.

You can study at your own pace

With the free timeline at the Online Business School you can study when you have time. At your own pace. Very fast or step-by-step.

Eg. you can work to earn your living and study in parallel.

You get an accredited quality degree

With the Online Business School, you get quality undergraduate courses and you get access to top up master courses.

You can graduate completely online.

You are part of a strong community with 24/7 support

The Online Business School is well-known for the excellent support for foreign students, 24 hours at 7 days a week. And you join a strong community of many other African students.

44 things you ought to know before studying online

44 things you ought to know before studying online

Does studying online feels scary for you? Is your mind just exploding with too many question marks?

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